Susan Champeny Artist

Create • Travel • Paint • Fun

Light City

Light City in Process

LIGHT CITY: in October 2010, Susan was one of 5 artists commissioned by National Grid to paint a mural on a 7-foot high CFL light bulb. Her mural, titled "Light City, a Portrait of Worcester" featured both the man-made and natural features of the city in a colorful color palette. Hosted by the Worcester Youth Center, the 5 artists painted their CFLs in exactly 5 days. The CFLs will be auctioed by National Grid in the spring of 2011 to as a fund-raiser for the Youth Center, the YMCA and the Boys and Girls Club of Worcester. The sculpture is now on permanent display at 22 Elm Street in Worcester.

Susan Champeny painting Light City   Light CIty at City Hall

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